ANEEL Normative Resolution No. 1,072, of August 29th, 2023

ANEEL NORMATIVE RESOLUTION No. 1.072, OF AUGUST 29, 2023, effective as of November 1, 2023, provides for the Prudential Monitoring of agents within the scope of the Electric Energy Trading Chamber (CCEE), establishes the sending of the information below on a monthly basis for consumers and weekly for generators and traders:

  1. Total consolidated purchase agreements,
  2. Total consolidated sales contracts,
  3. Forecast generation in average MW, on a monthly basis,
  4. Consumption forecast in average MW, on a monthly basis,
  5. Exposure of the 5 largest counterparties,
  6. Revenue from contracting the regulated market;
  7. Owners’ Equity

Considering the horizon of the next 6 months, by type of energy and by submarket for items 1 to 4.

Based on this information, the CCEE will calculate the Leverage Factor (FA) of the agents, according to the methodology disclosed on its official website, which aims to measure the individual leverage level, allowing to visualize the risk potential in relation to the financial capacity of each agent.

In view of this, Simple Energy will disclose its Leverage Factor and its customers in the dashboard below:

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